The one thing which we really can work on to stop piracy is to stop video recording in Cinema Halls which accounts to highest piracy .
Firstly :
Any Video/Image capture device works on a simple princliple of Light reflection . The light rays entering the Camera's lens are capturing these images . Human eye can see only a fixed wavelenght of light ( aprox 500 nm) but this is not the case with video capture devices , it captures more wavelength than human eye. We can have light scamblers near the Screens which constantly moves in 270 degree angle trying to bombard the video capture device lense with this high intensity light which are invisible to human eye . This is lead to image scrambling while recording . Offcourse the forst step is to do a research on this wavelenght of light to make sure it doesnot harm human eye .
Scramble Audio:
The life of a Movie is its audio experience . The technology is so advances that the headsets are able to deliver higer audio experience than speakers . The seats in the cinema hall can be attached with head sets making it really difficult for the video cam to pick up audio , this will reduce the audio intake by the Vide Cams making it have a very low audio quality . This will lead to more dis satified customers in the piracy world .
One technolgy that has impressed me the most in Imaging is 'Face recognition' applications . In large casinos like Las Vegas , the spy camera automatically captures faces of the players to detect a change in emotion to see if a player is cheating . This program can be easily altered to identify a video Cam and the cinema authorities can immediately catch the voilater .
The other major sources of piracy like copying CD's before the release is totally in the hands of the Movie Production team , there is no encryption / watermark / format that cannot be broken by hackers today . So we need to take the first step by stopping the piracy in movie halls using the technology.
The movie gets into the Internet World only after these steps :
1. A print of the movie is leaked out of the production unit even before reaching cinema halls :
Prevention : If the Movie CD / Video is uploaded to internet we can bulid/Modify complex search engines like Web Crawler that can search for the movie name in different combinations and report these to another unit of Authorized ethical hackers can can remove these content from the internet or block the IP's of direct download links . Incase of dynamic IP and P2P seeders this would not work as most of them use a incognito IP scrambling software so for these people we need to look into comples IP pattern detection software to find the series in which these IP's are generated by the softwares .
A webservice can be setup with these encrption and we can sign up with the major Internet browser providers to run these services whenever a user accesses the "LISTED SITES" . again there will be a lot of debate over performance and user privacy which needs to be dealt with the Legal department.
2. For the second case where a video is recorded in the movie hall I have provided the above solution.
I have stressed more on Hardware technology like Light scrambler , Head Sets , Face recognition cameras . maily because I believe if we can write an Software we can also break it or Hack it ( like removing watermark ) but hardware Like face recognition cam to identify Video recording device , Light scrambler , Head Set etc will take a lot more effor to conceal considering you are surronded by Public and Cinema authorities.
Clarificaion on Head Sets :
The Head Sets are connected to the chair and there is no Audio jack that is exposed to the customer . All he can see is wire and head piece . So there is no way can get the direct line.
I agree headsets might be uncomfortable but todays state of the art Head Sets provide comfort and 3D surround experience which can beat any open audio systems . Poineeres in this are Senheizer and Bose technologies.